PVA Limiters

How To Configure Position, Velocity and Acceleration Limiters

PVA limiters enables the user to turn on and off, set Position, Velocity and Acceleration limits to each axis individually. If a limiters is exceeded, the limit exceeded light will turn on and combination with WA_PVA_limiter exceeded.

Configure PVA Limiters via the GUI

You can define the pva limiters per axis through the GUI under the Axis Limiters Tab.

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  1. Define the position lower and upper limit per axis such that:

    • The robot operates within its intended workspace
    • To Prevent collisions with the robot’s own structure
    • To Prevent damage to the surrounding equipment
  2. Define the velocity lower and upper limit per axis such that:

    • The robot maintains safe operating speeds
    • To prevent excessive wear on mechanical components
    • To ensuring smooth and controlled motion
  3. Define the acceleration lower and upper limit per axis such that:

    • The robot moving with smooth transitions between different speeds, rule of thumb (Amax = 10*Vmax)
  4. Define the mode of the PVA Limiters:

    • Off - Limiters are not used
    • P - Only position limiter is active
    • PVA - Position, velocity and acceleration limiters are active
    • PVA_PRELIMIT - The input for position, velocity and acceleration is pre limited.
    • VA - Only velocity and acceleration limiters are active
  5. Save Configuration

    • Press Save Settings to store all your changes.

Configure PVA Limiters via the DESK-Tool

To configure PVA Limiters for an axis (e.g., axis 1) using the desk-tool:

GUI parameter: Description: Desk Parameter:
PVA Limiters
Input Position Input root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/input
Lower Position Limit Limiter Value root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/Limits01/positionLowerLimit
Lower Position Limit Light Indication if Limiter is reached root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/State01/positionLowerLimitActive
Upper Position Limit Limiter Value root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/Limits01/positionUpperLimit
Upper Position Limit Light Indication if Limiter is reached root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/State01/positionUpperLimitActive
Lower Velocity Limit Limiter Value root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/Limits01/velocityLowerLimit
Lower Velocity Limit Light Indication if Limiter is reached root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/State01/velocityLowerLimitActive
Upper Velocity Limit Limiter Value root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/Limits01/velocityUpperLimit
Upper Velocity Limit Light Indication if Limiter is reached root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/State01/velocityUpperLimitActive
Lower Acceleration Limit Limiter Value root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/Limits01/accelerationLowerLimit
Lower Acceleration Limit Light Indication if Limiter is reached root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/State01/accelerationLowerLimitActive
Upper Acceleration Limit Limiter Value root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/Limits01/accelerationUpperLimit
Upper Acceleration Limit Light Indication if Limiter is reached root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/State01/accelerationUpperLimitActive
Output Position Output root/AxesControl/axesLimiters/output