Portal Basics

A explanation how to browse trough and use the motorcortex.io portal.

For The Motorcortex.io Portal you will need a user account. You can request a trail and make a account on motorcortex.io.

After login to motorcortex.io you will enter the main page.

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Projects Page [1]

In the projects page you will find all your projects. You can download and save every project on your own PC.

On the top of the projects page you can upload projects stored on your pc, create new (empty) project and download project from store. Pressing the new (empty) project button will bring you to the create project screen. Here you can choose a title, description and version of your project.

Opening a project will show you the Packages and files that you have in this project. There are 3 kinds of packages needed for a Motorcortex Application:

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  1. A Binary package you will find more information in the Binary Package chapter.
  2. A Config package you will find more information in the Config Package chapter.
  3. A Grid package you will find more information in the Grid Package chapter.

These packages can be added by uploading or by clicking CREATE PACKAGES in the right menu.

  1. home button will create a home folder in which you can store your project packages.
  2. grid button will create a grid folder in which you can store additional grid folders with files.
  3. binary button will create a binary folder in which you can store your debian package files or .deb files.
  4. config button will create a config folder in which you can store additional folders with configuration files.
  5. fetch config button will fetch the controllers config package to your project. Controller local IP address:
  6. from store button will show you the available store items that can be added to your project.

CREATE can be used to add directories and files to you project.

  1. directory button will add a directory.
  2. file button will add a file.
  3. from store button will show you the available store items that can be added to your project.

UPLOAD can be used to add locally stored files to your project.

  1. files button will add a locally stored file.
  2. directory button will add a locally stored directory.
  3. package button will add a locally stored package.

ACTIONS can be used to download your project.

  1. download button will download your project to your local pc.

Dashboard Page [2]

In the Dashboard Page you can find your user account information. The presented information is depended on which user package you have: Standard, Professional or Enterprise the overview of each is listed in pricing.

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  1. The usage stats give information about available users and projects. Usage stats differ per subscription type.
  2. The storage give information about available storage and keeps track of used storage. It is not possible to add new items to the project if the max storage limit is exceeded, you should first clean up some items.
  3. The logins keep track of previous account activities.

Notification Page [3]

In the Notification Page you will get notifications about software updates and services. Notifications can be erased by means of the clear list button.

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Store [4]

In the Store you can find free templates or buy binary packages for your application.

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DESK [5]

Use the Motorcortex Desk tool. If you have a controller connected you can click this button to connect to your controllers Motorcortex Desk. More about Motorcortex Desk you can find in Motorcortex Desk.

ECAT [6]

Use the Motorcortex Grid tool. if you want to make changes to the current Graphical User Interface(GUI) of your controller using Motorcortex Grid. More about Motorcortex Desk you can find in Motorcortex Grid.

Documentation page [7]

Get information on how to work with Motorcortex by consulting to the documentation website that you are reading from right now.

Support page [8]

Support will open a link to Motorcortex support page, where you can ask your questions regarding motorcortex and consult other Motorcortex Users on the Support Forum.

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Feedback [9]

Give feedback about your motorcortex experiences.

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User settings [10]

Go to user profile to change user settings such as user account and two-factor authentication.

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  1. In my account you can change user avatar, email and name.
  2. Pressing enable TOTP will show a screen where you can set op two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security.
  3. Pressing logout wil log out you account.