Connection Troubleshooting

These are some steps that will help out if you cannot connect to Motorcortex.

If you are unable to connect to your Motorcortex application please select the operating system that you are using and use the following steps to resolve the problem.

Check connection

  1. Check if your connection is established by pinging the controller by using the following command in the terminal.

    ping -c 5
  2. The the terminal should give you a answer that 5 packets have been transmitted and 5 received.

    image not found
  3. Check your connections the possible problems could be:

  • Broken Ethernet cable
  • Broken Network adapter
  • Is the controller on?
  1. If your connections are good the check your network settings as explained in Configure Your Network.

  2. Check if net-tools are installed.

    sudo apt install net-tools
  3. Check a network is detected using the following command.

  4. The terminal should show your connection similar as shown below.

    image not found
  5. If no connections are found there is a hardware problem that has to be resolved. After this start at step 1.

Reset Wired Connections

If you are connected you might need to reset the wired connections.

  1. Unplug your cable.

  2. Go to the following directory.

    cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections 
  3. Check your connections using.

  4. Remove the connection mostly starting with Wired connection.

    sudo rm Wired_connection_name
  5. Reconnect your cable.

  6. Retry following the steps in Configure Your Network.

Check application connection

  1. On your machine Turn Motorcortex off and on again by using the following steps.

  2. Log into the system through ssh as explained in Remote Access & File Transfer.

  3. Run the following command:

    sudo /etc/init.d/motorcortex restart
  4. Retry Connecting to your Motorcortex application

  5. If this is still not working check if your Certificate is installed correctly as explained in Install Browser Certificate.

  6. If the Certificate correctly installed check if your anti-virus software on your computer blocks the ports used by Motorcortex. There are known issue with the default settings of Kaspersky and other Security Apps.

  7. If that is not the case maybe you are behind a firewall. Try to connect your computer directly or change the firewall settings.

Raspberry Pi Connection

When setting up a wired connection with the Raspberry Pi in some cases it is necessary to activate the ARP protocol with the following command.

sudo ifconfig eth0 arp

Check connection

  1. Try to ping the Motorcortex controller.

  2. Hit Ctrl C to stop pinging. If there are problems with your connection the terminal will look like this.

  3. Check your connections the possible problems could be:

  • Broken Ethernet cable
  • Broken Network adapter
  1. If your connections are good the check your network settings as explained in Configure Your Network.

image not found