
This section will show you how to download MCX-OS image from

If you don’t not have a account yet make sure to register for an account. Users of can download a Motorcortex from the Store.

If you would like to Try Motorcortex, it is recommendable to create a virtual machine and to download the Motorcortex .ova file.

Users can also test Motorcortex using a Raspberry Pi Image. Take in consideration that Functionalities will be limited by the computing power of the Raspberry Pi.

If you are more serious about using Motorcortex you need to use a Industrial PC. To install the Motorcortex Intel Image, you need to create a Motorcortex Clonezilla stick. Make sure to download the Clonezilla Image and Motorcortex Intel Image.

Select hardware device you are using:

  1. Login to and go to the Motorcortex store.

    image not found
  2. In the Store, look for a file with a name similar to mcx-image-dev-mcx-intel-...

    image not found
  3. After the download is completed a .img.xz file should appear in your Download folder.

The next step is to install the MCX-OS Image on your controller. Install

  1. Login to and go to the Motorcortex store.

    image not found
  2. In the Store, look for a file with a name similar to mcx-image-dev-mcx-rpi4...

    image not found

  3. After the download is completed a .img.xz file should appear in your Download folder.

The next step is to install the MCX-OS Image on your controller. Install

  1. Login to and go to the Motorcortex store.

    image not found
  2. In the Store, look for a file with a name similar to Motorcortex xxxx-xx.ova.

    image not found

  3. After the download is completed a .ova file should appear in your Download folder.

The next step is to install the MCX-OS Image on your controller. Install