Position Window

How To Configure The Position Window

The position window detector monitors the actual position of an axis, typically measured in radians. The main purposes is to trigger a warnings or an emergency stops if the position exceeds the defined limits.

Configure the position window via the GUI

You can configure the position window per axis through the GUI under the Alarms Tab.

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  1. You can enable or disable the position window per axis.

  2. Define the Low and High threshold value. If the input exceeds the defined threshold value a Warning is triggered.

  3. Define the Too Low and Too High threshold value . If the input exceeds the defined threshold value a Emergency Stop is triggered.

  4. Save Configuration

    • Press Save Settings to store all your changes.

Configure the position window via the DESK-Tool

To configure position window for an axis (e.g., axis 1) using the desk-tool:

GUI parameter: Description: Desk Parameter:
Position Window
Input Actual position value root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/input
Enable Enable switch root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/enable
Threshold Value
TooLow Lower emergency stop threshold root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/tooLow
Low Lower warning threshold root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/Low
High Upper warning threshold root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/High
TooHigh Upper emergency stop threshold root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/tooHigh
Trigger Signal
isTooLow Lower emergency stop trigger root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/isTooLow
isLow Lower warning trigger root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/isLow
isHigh Upper warning trigger root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/isHigh
isTooHigh Upper emergency stop trigger root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/positionWindowDetector/isTooHigh