Drive Service Data Objects

With Drive Service Data Object (SDO), the SDOs are read- ut by means of pressing the Read SDOs button. This will present the data of SDO Error codes with Error Descriptions and the two STO status lights per connected slave. Note that the SDO mappings and meanings are vendor specific so they may not represent the status of your device.

Depending on the connected drive, the error code HEX value differs, the error codes of a Somanet drive can be read out from root/Ethercat/Robot/AxisX/SDOs/Error code. With the error code explanation .json you can link a description to the hex error code.

Error code explanation .json example:

  "0": "NO_ERROR",
  "12592": "PHASE_FAILURE",
  "12593": "PHASE_FAILURE_L1",
  "12594": "PHASE_FAILURE_L2",
  "12595": "PHASE_FAILURE_L3",
  "12816": "DC_LINK_OVER_VOLTAGE",
  "21248": "OPERATING_UNIT",
  "25376": "PARAMETER_ERROR",
  "28961": "MOTOR_BLOCKED",
  "29440": "SENSOR",
  "29952": "COMMUNICATION"