Geometry Panel

Geometry Panel Explained

In the geometry panel you can create points, which are variables that can be assigned to functions in your robot program. The world and robot are prefixed and cannot be changed in the GUI preview mode.

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New points can be added when robot, or other point is selected. The selected point is so called the parent of the added(child) point. If the parent point coordinates are changed the child point move respectively with it.

  1. Pressing add will create a new point with the current robot coordinates under the selected layer.
  2. Point 1 is created after selecting robot layer and pressing add button. The added point with name P1 is now visible in the 3D-visualization. The coordinates of the point can be modified by changing the cartesian coordinates x y and z values in combination with the psi, theta and phi Euler Angles.
  3. Point 2 is a example point as child of P1, if you change P1 then P2 move respectively with P1.
  4. If you press edit button you can remove points from your geometry panel with and suppress/unsuppress the geometry panel by means of clicking / .
  5. With teach button, you can change to current point coordinates to the current robot coordinates.
  6. If you want to move the robot to the selected point, you keep move button pressed, until the robot reached the point.
  7. With the joints mode selected, joint angels are added to the point geometry settings menu. Now you can change the point coordinates by means of robot joint angles.

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