Safety Project

Safety Project

Visualization of the Safety Project installed to the safety PLC. The Safety project is composed out of INTERLOCKS FUNCTIONS and ACTIONS that are used in combination with motorcortex:

  • iNoSWEStop, is a non safe-signal but safety-critical. The iNoSWEStop is used in combination with safeAnd, to make it a safe signal.
  • Watchdog100ms is implemented in case task freezing on the Motion Controller. It expects a pulse with a maximum time of 100ms for a high output , exceeding 100ms the output is low.
  • safeEstop checks if the EstopButtonChannel1 and EstopButtonChannel1 is triggered, if not the output is high, else the output is low.
  • safeAnd is a combination block that checks if all inputs are high. If all inputs are high the output is high, else the output is low.