Remote Development

  1. In the Main Menu open File → Settings under Build, Execution, Deployment you will find the Toolchains menu.

  2. Add a new toolchain by pressing the button and select Remote Host.

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  3. In the Credentials: press the button to enter the SSH Configurations menu. Add a new configuration by pressing the button and fill in the following data:

    • Host:
    • Port: 22
    • User name: admin
    • Password: vectioneer
  4. Press the Test Connection button to make sure your connection is OK. If not, re-check your controller connection.

  5. If the connection is good you can press OK to close the SSH Configurations menu.

  6. Wait for Cmake and the C/C++ Compiler to be detected:

    • CMake: Remote host CMake
    • Build Tool: Default, Detected: make
    • C Compiler: Default, Detected: cc
    • C++ Compiler: Default, Detected: c++
    • Debugger:Remote Host GDB

    Press the Apply button to save the Toolchain settings.

  7. Under Build, Execution, Deployment open the Cmake menu, set ToolChain, to Remote Host with dropdown function. Set other parameters to (default):

    • Build type: Debug
    • Generator: Use default Unix Makefiles
    • Cmake options: -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    • Build directory: cmake-build-debug-remote-host
    • Build options: -- -j 9
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  8. Press the OK button to save the CMake settings and close the Settings window.

  9. Wait for a couple of seconds while remote and local systems are synchronized.

  10. Make sure that your controller is not running a Motorcortex application. Open the Terminal in CLion and run the following command:

ssh admin@ 'echo vectioneer | sudo -S motorcortex stop'
  1. In CLion set your Run/Debug Configuration to Debug-Remote Host.

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  2. Press play to build and run the application.

  3. To compile code with the latest modifications press Rebuild Project.

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  4. Congratulations you are now ready to start remote developing your Motorcortex application.