Could not deploy. Check your connection and your security certificate.
2 minute read
If you follow the procedure Deploy an Application and deployment results in the following error: Could not deploy. Check your connection and your security certificate

This is probably the cause of a connection failure, execute the steps below to solve this issue:
[1] Power Cycle Your Controller
[2] Network Connection
Check the network connection to your controller: Test Your Connection.
[3] Browser Certificate
Your browser does not have the correct certificate installed or it is installed in the wrong way. Follow instructions Install a browser certificate.
[4] Date and Time
The date set on your controller is not set correct, so the generated certificate may be invalidated by a machine that is trying to connect. This happens a lot on ARM systems that do not have a hardware clock (like the RaspberryPi), where after a power-down the clock is not correct again. Either install a hardware clock on the device or set the time correctly every time after reboot or connect the device to the internet and have it synchronize its time with a NTP server. Follow instructions here to check the date.
[5] AdBlock Extension
Your browser has an adblock extension installed, this can lead to connection issues. Disable/Remove the adblock extension.
[6] Old Image (image > 2022.09)
Your controller has an older image > 2022.03 update to newest image. Follow instructions here: How to download a new image.
[7] Security Certificate (image => 2022.03)
There could be a certificate problem checkout: - After changing your controller IP address or hostname, you probably forgot to change cert-gen configuration checkout
[8] Older Services (image = 2021.09)
Your image has older services and needs to update. See this post: deploy service update
One of the steps above should resolve the issue Could not deploy. Check your connection and your security certificate