Install a Browser Certificate For MacOS

A certificate is required to support a secure (encrypted) connection between your PC and Motorcortex.
  1. To do that double click on the downloaded mcx.cert.crt and allow Keychain Access.

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  2. Now the Motorcortex Root CA is added to thecKeychain Access.

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  3. Press on the Motorcortex Root CA in order to change trust settings.

  4. Change When using this certificate to Always Trust

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  5. Save the changes, now you can test the certificate.

Testing the Certificate

Open your browser and type in your controller IP:

Correct Certificate

Your Certificate is correct after you get the Motorcortex screen.

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Congratulations you have installed your Motorcortex Certificate.

Incorrect Certificate

Your Certificate is incorrect after you get the following screen with the message NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID.

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You did something wrong while importing the certificate to you browser, check if the Certificate is added to the list of Authorities: