Write image to USB with Ubuntu

  1. Login to Motorcortex.io and go to the Motorcortex.io Store

  2. Download the latest MCX-Clonezilla Image by pressing the download button:

    image not found
  3. Insert your empty USB Drive into your PC.

  1. Right-click on the .img file and select Open With Disk Image Writer.

  2. In the following window select the Destination that you want to write the Motorcortex USB Clonezilla image file to.

  3. Press start restoring to create a MCX-Clonezilla USB Drive.

    image not found
  4. When restoring has completed, the system should automatically mount the ImageData partition of the USB Drive.

  5. Copy the MCX-OS Image file (.img.xz-file) that you downloaded from the Motorcortex Store (see Install) into the ImageData folder.