
Pressing Screen button will open and collapse Screen menu.

  1. In the Screen menu you can manage the visualization of your screens, a GUI can have multiple screens.
  2. In the title bar you can change the title of your screen.
  3. In the start screen dropdown you can choose the default start screen.
  4. With the delete button you can delete the selected screen. A message will make you confirm deletion.
  5. In the visibility bar you can select the Parameter in the Parameter tree that will make your screen show up. Per default no path screen selected, meaning always make a screen show up. It is not possible to change visibility for the start screen.
  6. In the channel bar you can select the channel of the selected path.
  7. With the expression you can manipulate the presentation of the output. For example convert Meters to Inches. The raw parameter is called x.
  8. With the frequency divider you can reduce the rate at which the server publishes its data. The server update rate is divided by this value; e.g. if the server has an update rate of 1000 Hz, a frequency divider of 100 will make the publisher send only every 100th sample, resulting in an update rate of the received data of 10 Hz.
  9. With a group you can specify a group of parameters used for this screen.
  10. In the W bar you can define the width of all screens. The default value for the width is 800.
  11. In the H bar you can define the height of all screens. The default value for the height is 600.
  12. In the foreground color box you can select the color you want for the foreground of your grid in hex value. The default hex color value is #323c4e.
  13. In the background color box you can select the color you want for the background of your grid in hex value. The default hex color value is #28303e.
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