
Pressing States button will open and collapse States menu.

  1. In the States menu you can manage the visualization of your system states.
  2. In the path bar you select the path in the parameter tree to your state parameter. Per default this parameter is root/Logic/state.
  3. With the frequency divider you can reduce the rate at which the server publishes its data. The server update rate is divided by this value; e.g. if the server has an update rate of 1000 Hz, a frequency divider of 100 will make the publisher send only every 100th sample, resulting in an update rate of the received data of 10 Hz.
  4. In the state codes bar you place the .json file with your state codes.
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State Codes

The state parameter provides a state number. This number can be linked to a .json file, created by the user to show text. Below is a template that gives an example of a states.json file:

  "0": "INIT_S",
  "1": "OFF_S",
  "2": "DISENGAGED_S",
  "4": "ENGAGED_S",
  "7": "ESTOP_OFF_S",