File List Properties Explanation

Bar Description
VISIBILITY In the visibility bar you can select the parameter in the parameter tree that will make your element show up. Per default no path will always make a element show up.
prefix In the prefix you fill in the path of a parameter. A prefix is mainly useful for editing multiple paths of parameters.
path This path manipulates the visibility of the element and can be selected from the parameter tree.
channel If a selected parameter is a array you can select the desired channel of the array here.
expression With the expression you can manipulate the presentation of the output. For example convert Meters to Inches. The raw parameter is called x.
folder url The URL of the folder that contains the files to be shown in the list, check ** for more information.
show date Check show date checkbox to show the creation date of the file.
show size Check show size checkbox to show the size of the file. If you specify the NGINX attribute “autoindex_exact_size off;”, the size will be shown in in compact form (e.g. “1.2 Mb”).
sort by The file list can be sorted by name, size or date.
x The x position of a element is defined here.
y The y position of a element is defined here.
z The z position of a element is defined here.
width The width of a element is defined here.
height The height of a element is defined here.

** The list must be provided by the web server in .json format. In NGINX you specify this by adding the following attributed to the location section of your folder: For Example when using folder url = /log

Log Files are saved in path:


Prefix path:


Add log folder in mcx-service.conf:

sudo nano /etc/mcx/nginx/sites-available/mcx-service.conf

Add the following information to the document:

## log
location /log {
    autoindex on;
    autoindex_format json;
    location /log/browse {
        alias $mcx_root/log;
        autoindex_format html;

Restart nginx to apply changes: sudo systemctl nginx.service restart