mcx-rtos v.2021.09 Software Version
How to determine your Software version and Hardware key
3 minute read
To get the Operating System version information and hardware id type this command in a terminal when logged-in to the control system:
cat /etc/issue
Information similar to the following will be shown.
Motorcortex 2021.01[g17f4d5d+1] \n \l
The active license does NOT match the active application
Active license information:
File: /etc/motorcortex/config/license.pem
Hardware key: 2651256591846471365
Modules: mcx-core2, mcx-io2, mcx-math2, mcx-control2, mcx-generic-app2
Active application information:
File: /usr/local/bin/mcx-generic-app
Hardware key: 6591555251580943153 mcx-core2 mcx-io2 mcx-math2 mcx-control2 mcx-generic-app2
Hardware key as QR Code:
######## ## ######## ###### ######## ########
######## ########## ## #### ## ############ ## ########## ########
######## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ########
######## ## ## ## ## ## ########## ## ## ## ## ########
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The first line shows the OS version, in this example Motorcortex 2021.01[g17f4d5d+1] \n \l
Under Active license information
you can find the hardware id and where the license file is located.