mcx-rtos v.2022.03 Software Version
How to determine your Software version and Hardware key
less than a minute
Following steps are performed in the terminal after logged in to the controller.
Version:cat /etc/issue
Information similar to the following will be shown:
Motorcortex 2022.03-0-g595ed27 \n \l
Hardware Key
versions via log:sudo restart motorcortex
Scroll up until you find information similar to the following:
Motorcortex-core version: 2.8.3-0-gb17d29f9_release Robot-app version: 1.5.2-0-ge6e70edc_release Motorcortex-math version: 2.1.0-2-g7828ea9_release Motorcortex-control version: 2.2.0-0-g16974cd_release Motorcortex-motion version: 2.5.3-0-g2cc2fc9_release Hardware key: 13763540678576076058 List of components: mcx-core2 mcx-io2 mcx-math2 mcx-motion2 mcx-control2 mcx-robot-app1 License is not valid (error type: 128 info: 2), failed to verify. Hardware key does not match.
Or check
Hardware Key
via license check:mcx-keycheck
Information similar to the following will be shown:
The license does NOT match the application License information: File: /etc/motorcortex/config/17680423976042648958.lic Hardware key: 1768 0423 9760 4264 8958 Components: mcx-control2, mcx-core2, mcx-io2, mcx-math2, mcx-motion2, mcx-robot-app1 Application information: File: /usr/local/bin/motorcortex-robot Hardware key: 1376 3540 6785 7607 6058 Components: mcx-core2, mcx-io2, mcx-math2, mcx-motion2, mcx-control2, mcx-robot-app1