Torque (Offset) Transformation

How To Configure Torque (Offset) Transformation

After linking the drive’s Target Torque, Torque offset and Torque Actual Value to Motorcortex parameters via ECAT-Tool, a conversion gain is essential for accurate unit conversion. This process ensures proper communication and control between the drive and Motorcortex.

Configure torque(offset) transformation via the GUI

You can define the torque (offset) transformation between the drive unit [‰ of Rated Torque] and the Motorcortex Unit [Nm] through the GUI under the Axis Settings Tab.

Example conversion between ticks and Nm:

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  • Motor Rated Torque = 640mNm
  1. Define Unit Conversion and Direction:

    • Set the conversion from ticks to Nm
    • Use the ratio: Gain Num/Gain Den = 1000/0.640
    • This ensures proper conversion between drive ticks and Nm
    • Configure the torque direction the same as specified in Position Transformation. Also apply the -1 gain if required.
  2. Save Configuration

    • Press Save Settings to store all your changes.

Configure torque(offset) transformation via the DESK-Tool

To configure troque(offset) transformation for an axis (e.g., axis 1) using the desk-tool:

GUI parameter: Description: Desk Parameter:
Motor Torque
Motor Torque Motor torque in ticks root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/motorTorqueActual
Gain num Numerator root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/torqueTransformation/transducer/gainNum
Gain den Denominator root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/torqueTransformation/transducer/gainDen
Axis Torque Axis torque in Nm root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/actuatorTorqueActual
Motor Torque Offset
Axis Torque Offset Axis torque offset in Nm root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/torqueOffsetTransformation/inputSoftwareSide
Gain num Numerator root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/torqueOffsetTransformation/transducer/gainNum
Gain den Denominator root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/torqueOffsetTransformation/transducer/gainDen
Motor Offset Torque Motor offset torque in ticks root/AxesControl/actuatorControlLoops/actuatorControlLoop01/torqueOffsetTransformation/outputHardwareSide