Create a Motorcortex EtherCAT configuration with safety components.

Linking FSoE devices

Extracting information from FSoE data stream

Sending Data to and from FSoE Master (Standard Inputs and Outputs)

GCC safety Acceptence Test

For the GCC Safety Logic Vectioneer wrote the Safety Acceptence Test.

  1. Go to the GUI, and Acknowledge the system. The system should be powered: the lamp should turn green and STO output pins 2 and 4 should measure 24V against GND pin 3.
  2. Press the E-Stop button: Check if STO outputs 2 and 4 measure 0V against GND pin 3.
  3. Keep the E-Stop button pressed and acknowledge. The STOs shall not turn on.
  4. Unlock the E-Stop button. The system shall not automatically reset.
  5. Reset the system via the GUI. The STO outputs pin 2 and 4 shall go high and measure 24V against GND pin 3.

To be verified.

Things not covered by this test, but shall be checked are:

  • Is the machine safe and not damaged?
  • Is there a risk of human injury by people being exposed to the machine, while these shall be inaccessible?
  • Etc.

To be verified.